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Showing posts from July, 2016


Hey y'all!!! I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while we have been super busy! I will give y'all an update! Well we have had TONS of  birthdays. We had my youngest brother's birthday Jonas he turned 3 March 1. Then after him we had Jackson's birthday May 6 he turned five, then mine was May 28 which I turned 18 ( I can't believe I'm that old) Then the day after my birthday Taylor turned 16, then we had Emily's she turned 6 June 8! We have my others sister Savannah's birthday July 22 which is just next week, she will be turning 17! Then we have my youngest sister Sarah who will be turning the big ONE the 24th! I cant believe that Sarah will be ONE! Where has time went? she is growing into being a big girl! She is also already trying to walk! We have a bunch of birthdays in the house. Our birthday season as we call it starts in January and don't end until October! I can't believe it's already summer! Plus the year is half way over. This ...